Shepard's Pie (Parsnip)
12 ounces yukon gold potatoes1 carrot4oz parsnips1/8oz chivesunsalted butter1/4 cup heavy cream12oz ground beef1 tablespoon tomato paste1 tablespoon flour1/2 teaspoon worchestershire sauce8oz chicken stock
pre heat oven to 450Fcut potatoes into 1 inch dicecut parsnips and carrot into 1/2 dicethinly slice chivesmince onionboil potatoesmash potatoes with cream and butter ; set asidebrown beef and set asidesaute carrot, parsnip and onion until softstir in tomato paste and ground beefcontinue stirring 2-3 minutes until flavors meldreduce heat to mediumsprinkle over flour and stir until no longer visibleadd worchestershire sauce and chicken stockcook, stirring until thickened ; ~3 minstransfer to baking dishcover with mashed potatoesbake until lightly browned on top ; ~5 minssprinkle with chives
Pictured: Meat pies on trays. The image was obtained from Unsplash at